Master Plan for The Village Moves Forward

For some time now we’ve been working on our vision for The Village, and for the creation of an exciting, vibrant environment right here in the heart of Edgbaston.
As we continue to work closely with the planning team at Birmingham City Council to progress proposals, we’re now entering the public consultation phase, and we’re inviting you to comment on the Edgbaston Framework plans and to help us shape the future of the Calthorpe Estate.
A letter and leaflet has been sent to all those within the consultation boundary outlining the Framework plans. The consultation period takes place between 3rd November to 14 December 2014. There are also two drop-in consultation events been held within the first floor café at Morrisons supermarket at 30 Hagley Road on Thursday 13th November from 11am to 3pm, and on Thursday 4th December from 3pm to 7pm.
At the events officers from Birmingham City Council and representatives from Calthorpe Estates will be available to answer any questions about the Framework and feedback forms will also be available to capture your comments.
You can also find out more information on the Framework by:
- Visiting:
- Viewing a copy at Planning and Regeneration, 1 Lancaster Circus Queensway, Birmingham, B4 7DJ or Harborne Library, High Street, Harborne, B17 9QG
- Telephoning Neil Vyse from BCC on 0121 303 2238 or Ed Barrett from Turley on 0121 234 9115
Or to register your views or options with us, click here